I’m having a shower. I’ve been up since 08.00; walked our dog, had a coffee. My one coffee of the day? It’s definately going to be a ‘more than one’ coffee day.
I’ve been told to ‘go heal yourself’ and like a child sent to bed in summer, my soul aches to be outside playing. I’m not sure if it’s me that needs to heal or a world that doesn’t seem to want to stop.
A world in which we knowingly continue to allow children to be traumatised by new technology and a veiled apology of ‘we’ll do better’ from the makers. From brands we love that say ‘sorry about the plastic, we’re looking into it’ because their profit growth model won’t allow it, so we trust they’ll ‘do better’ soon and carry on taking the pills, trusting the potions and applying the lotions.
So what will my stepping back achieve? Peace in my mind to continue to be the vanguard, praying for change and softly reentering the arena, different; changed; healed? And what is it to be healed? So many now are even touting that as a business model.
The process of healing, if you’ve ever had a wound, is such. When it’s itchy you’re on the road to recovery, that the tissue is changing, the rawness of the attack is easing and each day you see signs of the healing process. When the recovery is from a mental assault of your senses, its more tricky. ‘Too soon’ looms large frequently, ‘I’m not sure’ becomes a mantra, brain and bone tired more sleep doesn’t restore.
So in wanting to find an answer I will step back for now, spent less time online reaching out and turning my attention to the ‘real world’, looking for deeper connections and a more natural flow. Holding space for seasonal offerings, mobile massage for many less than before, Summer Festivals will take my focus.
Hoping to see you in the real world more – I’ll be posting blogs and writing more about art and the science of living a spiritual life – encouraging connection to the deeper awareness of what it is to live a human life