As many of you have experienced, there is something profound taking place in our sessions and a lot of clients are reporting how different their treatment with me was.

By way of example, I asked a client recently to came for ‘healing’ – no movement with massage techniques, not even reflexology – a session in which to help me understand if through:
– the use of guided relaxation
– bringing awareness to breathing
– plus holding at the ankles
whether this would be effective for his condition.
His response was:
“I think a major difference between my own breathing practice and my session with you is that with you I was held.
I think that is significant.”
I am working on how to better promote my practice and increase my customer base. Please can I ask for your support in helping me to do this well.
Numerous clients are telling me ‘that was more than massage’ and to help me capture what that means, please can I ask you
1. Why did you choose me? What led you to make that decision? Had you compared me to others? And if so, how come I won!
2. Do you experience anything different/special/unusual in your treatments from me that you could describe and be willing to share? Can you help me to understand what specifically you take away from your treatment(s) with me?
3. If you were going to recommend a friend, what exactly would you say about me and my treatments?
Thank you so much for your reply and support. This will inform how I promote myself going forward.
Photo credit: Ginny Koppenhol (