of a masseur – not so much what the butler saw, more thoughts and feelings, observations from working in clinic, in fields at events, walking the dog – observations that may be thought provoking and helpful in aiding you in your journey
You at your prime best
What does it feel like to be you? How and what brings you back to yourself
Routines we hold precious can enable us to return to ourselves, to have a chance to reconnect
Wellness is the integration of growth and balance in our lives
Wellbeing is the way we actively choose to be well
whether that’s in relation to your career, environment, emotional state, intellectual awareness, physical presence, socialability or how you demonstrate a spiritual aspect in your life
and therapeutic touch and compassionate conversations can aid you back to you
What does it feel like to be you? How and what brings you back to yourself Routines we hold precious can enable us to return to ourselves, to have a chance to reconnect Wellness is the integration of growth and balance in our lives Wellbeing is the way we actively choose to be well whether…
Starting 2025 as i mean to go on, showing up for everything i do, bringing it all together and embracing my offerings. 2024 saw me tackling more trials and tribulations yet i’m here, proud of myself and feeling graceful You’re welcome to read my latest newsletter and you can subscribe too – I only send…
Whenever you celebrate, make the day your own. January Full Moon last night on 25th saw me celebrating Imbolc at our new Full Moon group. No photos to share, no special social media group page – just 6 women coming together, sharing laughter, deep connection and amazing herbal tea. Many will celebrate Imbolc, the turning…
Emergency surgery and three months of convalescence, I see now it has been so much more. As I start to reemerge, many insights have visited. Many in the cold of the night, sleepless and shifting under the covers; others at dawn, revelations and realisations gently easing me into the new day. I feel there is…
Starting 2025 as i mean to go on, showing up for everything i do, bringing it all together and embracing my offerings. 2024 saw me tackling more trials and tribulations yet i’m here, proud of myself and feeling graceful You’re welcome to read my latest newsletter and you can subscribe too – I only send READ MORE
Whenever you celebrate, make the day your own. January Full Moon last night on 25th saw me celebrating Imbolc at our new Full Moon group. No photos to share, no special social media group page – just 6 women coming together, sharing laughter, deep connection and amazing herbal tea. Many will celebrate Imbolc, the turning READ MORE
Emergency surgery and three months of convalescence, I see now it has been so much more. As I start to reemerge, many insights have visited. Many in the cold of the night, sleepless and shifting under the covers; others at dawn, revelations and realisations gently easing me into the new day. I feel there is READ MORE
Can we learn from others misfortunes? Can we avert disaster by being mindful of our actions. Walking downstairs and being conscious of the last step, always, as that was how your mother ripped her achilles tendon the night before a walking holiday in the Lake District. Each time you put dishes away you’re acutely aware READ MORE
What does it feel like to be you? How and what brings you back to yourself Routines we hold precious can enable us to return to ourselves, to have a chance to reconnect Wellness is the integration of growth and balance in our lives Wellbeing is the way we actively choose to be well whether READ MORE
I’ve often referred to it since training at evening school to gain my Preparing to Teach in Life Long Learning Sector qualification. The idea was my final piece of work and my mini teach exercise and since 2013 I’ve been working on making this ‘a thing’. So rolling from 2022 into 2023 seems apt as READ MORE
On reflection September seems to have been a time of change for me before I started curating the Healing Garden at End of the Road, yet this year seems more poignant than previous years. Many new avenues opening, although most this year have become cul de sacs, each turning point an opportunity to reflect. Through READ MORE
Saturday 10th September and Saturday 19th November 2022 has been an exceptional year. For personal and professional reasons. We have celebrated successes and faced defeats with grace. We have taken the slow route, encouraged by many around us who are feeling the same. And true to our word, we have held space for appreciation of READ MORE
“So, in conclusion, we could say we develop a practice in order to continue the ‘curiosity’ of what we gain from having a practice?” Another fine morning coffee debrief with Alex, through friendship firm collaborative foundations emerge. Whether that ‘place to be’, somewhere to return to, is nourishing a settled mind or noticing your body READ MORE
For a very long time, since i was in my teens so a very long time indeed, i have been keeping something safe. Something very precious. It is a thing, a real thing, not a secret or a theory, a real grab with both hands thing. In fact, that is how I acquired the thing READ MORE
As i write this i’m looking across Morecambe Bay, the estuary waiting for the impending tide which will once again cover the golden sand and the glistening channel of the Kent River flow. Moody grey clouds threaten a garden party birthday celebration, indoor picnic option may need to be deployed. Taking time gently this year, READ MORE
March sees up welcoming the idea of our Foundation School into ‘being’, away from the ‘thinking’ about and something we get to ‘feel’ our way towards. For a long time, ever since Catherine chose to use the phase in the brand name, a school for sustainable purposefully lived lives was coming into being. And what READ MORE
I’m having a shower. I’ve been up since 08.00; walked our dog, had a coffee. My one coffee of the day? It’s definately going to be a ‘more than one’ coffee day. I’ve been told to ‘go heal yourself’ and like a child sent to bed in summer, my soul aches to be outside playing. READ MORE
A lot is spoken about ‘spirit’ these days. Many people have a ‘faith’, following a religious doctrine, have practices that bring them into a state of wider awareness of a philosophy for life. And many more may well be wanting to explore these realms and not know where to start. Resisting involvement, standing on the READ MORE
For years I couldn’t get on with affirmations, even mantras, sayings that people were instructing me to use at some point of my life to better myself, bring wealth or some other kind of desire. Then the moment of clarity. Someone showed me the way. ‘…then write your own’. And when you do they have READ MORE
One minute changes to another. There can be slow declines, you could see how it emerged with hindsight, but the sudden impact of change is just that, sudden. sudden ˈsʌd(ə)n adjective occurring or done quickly and unexpectedly or without warning. And nothing prepares for the shock, the trauma, and the reason is so that the READ MORE
As many of you have experienced, there is something profound taking place in our sessions and a lot of clients are reporting how different their treatment with me was. By way of example, I asked a client recently to came for ‘healing’ – no movement with massage techniques, not even reflexology – a session in READ MORE
The day I decided to renew my vowels was the day before the full moon at Yule 2021. It was a gloomy day in Grange over Sands yet on looking up, through the wispy clouds I could see blue sky. It was one of those days approaching Yule that is murky, inviting us to go READ MORE