On reflection September seems to have been a time of change for me before I started curating the Healing Garden at End of the Road, yet this year seems more poignant than previous years. Many new avenues opening, although most this year have become cul de sacs, each turning point an opportunity to reflect.

Through a friend of the family I have been introduced to a gem of a location for a new clinic, set close to home yet far enough away from the bustle of the town, it’s an echo of what i’ve been looking for.
I will look to build clinics on days which are popular and with the support of colleagues will be able to design Natural Health Wellbeing Events from there too.
Our Seasonal Sessions have found a new home and the event on 19th November will be the first of many.
Thank you for all your support with the clinic in Arnside which will continue in the short term although Field Broughton with be my main location.